Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Going Camping.... for the holiday.

So, the last month of so has offered a lot of high end travel: Manhattan, Chicago, Florida, some great hotels, amazing food, shows and a couple of first class upgrades (thank you Delta!).  This week I'm flipping my recent travel lifestyle 180 degrees and heading to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for 3 nights without electricity, running water or ..... seriously..... cell signal.

This hasn't happened much recently (unless you count the 17hr flights to/from RSA back in August). Even when I was down in Baja Mexico last spring, I only spent one night without cell service and internet access... it was traumatic enough.

I'm heading up to the Hiawatha National Forest with a friend for the holiday weekend. I've got a cabin rented with a wood stove, a pile of firewood on the porch (at least that's what they promised) and a couple 2x4 bunk beds. All our gear will be on our backs. Of course, like most "adventures" in the modern era, I'll probably be within ear shot on a quiet morning of a paved road and won't really be too far away from the truck if we want to bail... but the plan is no contact, no running for provisions and no sneaking back to the FJ to charge the laptop!

Last I checked, the forecast was calling or a high of 28 on one of the days and snow almost every day. It happens to be hunting season, so we'll have a couple of rifles with us and might be able to forego the freeze dried for a fresh venison tenderloin (or squirrel on a stick). There is a hand pump well at the cabin for water supply, at least.

Expect Pics and expect a great story or two when I get back to blogilization.


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